About Sacred Rest Quest
The definition of Quest is to search or seek for; pursue as if on a treasure hunt!
Sacred Rest Quest is a personal encounter and adventure with God! The vision of Sacred Rest Quest is to inspire hope, restoration, wellbeing, and dreaming for women in various seasons of life through a variety of unique retreat adventures!
“On the first day, God did a whole new thing. He made something out of nothing. Where there was a void, He filled it. Where there was no substance or form, He created shapes, color, and reality—with deep beauty. And even after one day, one evening and one morning of Genesis moments, the world was changed forever!”
-Jill Briscoe, Barefoot In My Heart

Why “QUEST”?
Because it’s TIME!
Because You are ready to experience life differently.
You are ready to experience God’s Word differently.
You are ready to recover your life, renew your energy, and restore your sanity.
You are ready to hear God’s voice for yourself and experience a deeper level of peace.
You are ready for an adventure of faith!
There comes a time in the life of every woman when what we have always done to inspire our faith journey, the conferences we have attended, the amazing teachers we have learned from, the Bible study systems we have used for so many years need a breath of fresh air. Sometimes this yearning is sparked by a recent loss or life transition. Sometimes it is simply a feeling of dissatisfaction or maybe a feeling of lost inspiration for God’s Word. As women, the demands of life and the daily requirements placed upon us to meet the needs of those we love shift us out of balance and create a feeling of loneliness or disconnect smack in the middle of the madness.
Madeleine L ‘Engle compared prayer and meditation to planting seeds in the ground: “They go down in silence and they stay in silence and in the dark. Then, a few little green shoots come up. It is the same way with us spiritually, what we put down before the Lord, in the quiet places of our soul, will without quest, begin to sprout life!”

Sacred Rest Quest offers a UNIQUE “QUEST” ADVENTURE!!
Each QUEST focuses on a unique theme designed to offer women a place of restoration, renewal and revival of her health, hopes, dreams and the longing of her heart!
These retreats are limited to a small group of women.
Every QUEST is designed to provide women with a luxury getaway to experience mind-body-spirit renewal and a new adventure with God! At every QUEST she will find a place of rest, pampering and personal refreshing.

You WILL Find Rest!
The primary activity of a SACRED REST QUEST is–get ready—REST! Rest of God! Rest in prayer! Rest in worship! Rest in pampering! Rest in nature! Rest in sharing!
At SACRED REST QUEST, your hostesses Pat Layton and Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith invite you to join a small group of women for a time “set apart” for pampering, prayer, healing and a bit of fresh focus. Each retreat offers a strategic theme that always includes a MATCHLESS ENCOUNTER with The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit!
THE KEY ACTIVITY of a REST QUEST is experiencing the ancient pattern of LECTIO DIVINA which simply means reading and resting in God’s WORD! This is a beautiful method of taking a portion of scripture and allow God to press it deep into your heart through prayer, journaling, art, creativity and a sweet encounter with nature and the beautify of God’s creation.
We offer a variety of QUEST seasonal adventures each year set amongst…..
Gentle streams.
Flowing rivers.
Still quiet lakes.
Beautiful gardens.
Rolling waves (for 2022 at beautiful St. Simon’s Island, GA)
All from a rocking chair, bench, swing, or stretched-out blanket!
Rest Quest is designed to offer you a personal encounter with Jesus and a chance for you to go directly to YOUR SOURCE for some fresh found Peace, Purpose, and Passion!
What’s Included:
- A Private Room at Epworth by the Sea for 3 Nights-4 days (Thursday Afternoon-Sunday checkout )
- All meals
- Sacred Rest Quest Swag Bag
- 8 teaching/application session over the course of 3 days
- Ministry sessions with Dr. Saundra and Pat
- Spiritual directed experiential activities
- Surprise gifts and goodies every day
- Lots of adventure and/or RESTING (you choose what you need most)
What’s Not Included:
- Ground transportation to/from airport (available from local service)

What you WILL NOT find at A Woman’s Quest Retreat!
You will not find a 3-4 session teaching event where you simply sit and receive someone else’s biblical knowledge and teaching. As powerful as those events are, they are not always what we need.
A Sacred Rest Quest, although facilitated by Pat, Dr. Saundra and their team of servant leaders, is strategically designed as a time of shared teaching, learning, an offering of gifts and talents, giving, receiving, blessing and being blessed!
Far too often we leave fabulous conferences filled with spirit-filled teaching that fills our notebooks but do not translate into our everyday life. A Sacred Rest Quest is a UNIQUE (not your normal retreat experience) BOUTIQUE (only for small groups of women) RETREAT (an intimate encounter with Jesus).

Registration Rate: $1550
RESERVE YOUR SPOT by February 20, 2022

3/24 Thursday
1-3 pm Pre-Conference Exclusive with Dr Saundra (add’l fee apply for this coaching session)
4 pm All Guest Check-in at Resort Desk
6 pm All Guest Gathering Welcome Dinner/Meet and Greet
7:30 pm Session One
3/25 Friday
8 am Breakfast in meeting Room
9 am Session Two
11:30 Lunch provided
1—3 Session Three
3 pm Lectio Divina/R.E.S.T Time through Dinner (various options)
5 pm Dinner
Evening Gathering options will be shared
3/26 Saturday
8 am Breakfast in meeting Room
9 am Session Four
11:30 Lunch
1pm Lectio Divina/Afternoon R.E.S.T Time (many options)
6 pm Closing dinner and Final Session
3/27 Sunday
11 am Sunday am ALL Check-Out
9-Noon Post-Conference Exclusive with Pat (add’l fee apply for this coaching session)
**Buy Now Pay Later with No Money Down for 6 Months Available with PayPal **
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Questions? Contact [email protected] or [email protected]