Today’s guest post comes from Sarah Cummings and it is filled with great tips to help you feel energized in the morning.
Hi, there sleep fans, my name is Sarah. I love nothing more in this world than grabbing an early night. I adore getting all wrapped up, cozy and settled, then reading a chapter or two of a good book. I’m actually such a fan of sleep that I turned it into my day job too. I now spend the majority of my waking hours reading and writing about sleep. I firmly believe in the transformational power of a good night’s rest. I actually think it’s like superpower. Sweet dreams!
You may not be a morning person. That’s ok, it’s perfectly understandable. Maybe you’ve had a rough night, spent tossing and turning instead of sleeping soundly. Or maybe you’ve got a killer day ahead at work and you just can’t summon the motivation to get out of bed. Or maybe it’s a grim, rainy day outside or you’re home with the kids… and you’ve no idea how to keep them entertained.
Whatever the reason for your morning blues, they can be hard to shake off. And sometimes it’s tempting to simply crawl back under the sheets and snooze until it isn’t morning anymore.
So here are 4 easy ways to feel more energized when you wake up – give ’em a try and who knows? You just might be a morning person after all!
1. Wake up and smell the smoothie
You may think that coffee is the only thing worth getting up for in the morning. Without it, you can’t function. And while a good aromatic brew is great from time to time, the danger is when you start depending on it for an energy hit. Because sure, it gives you a boost for a little bit; but then the crash comes all too soon. And the midday post-caffeine slump can be far worse than any morning grogginess.
So instead of relying on that caffeine hit when you wake up, why not whip up a healthy smoothie instead? A glass of some tasty green stuff acts as a great breakfast accompaniment, keeps you fuller for longer and avoids a caffeine crash from affecting your morning. Instead, you’ll be full of energy and ready to face the day.
2. Take time out to meditate
Sometimes we’re so frazzled in the morning, preparing and planning for the day ahead, that we exhaust ourselves before we even leave the house. Our bodies and our minds are in overdrive, tensed up instead of chilled out. On the other hand, we may be feeling overly lethargic, lacking the energy to move at all, sluggishly moving to the kitchen and out the door before realizing that we’re still in our pjs. Whoops.
But by setting aside some time each morning to meditate, you can help your body settle down and your mind to feel calm and clear. At first, it can be tricky – either you won’t be able to stop yawning or your mind will be racing with thoughts – but try it every morning for a week and you’ll notice a big improvement. You’ll probably feel calmer, yet more alert, rested but focused.
Meditation is a great way to summon energy for the day ahead. And if you don’t believe you have the time to meditate, just set your alarm for 15 minutes earlier instead. Simple!
3. Go for a swim
Any form of exercise in the morning, like taking a yoga class or going for a run, is great for giving us a nice boost of adrenaline. And early-morning swims are one of the best ways to wake up both body and mind.
Whether it’s in the sea or your local swimming pool, that immersion in cool water and moving the kinks out of your body as you swim is all you need to shake off cobwebs from the night before.
Finish it off with a hearty breakfast and you’ll be ready for anything!
Psst… If you don’t happen to have a swimming pool nearby, or if you don’t feel you have the time, take a cold shower instead. Talk about a great wake-up call!
4. Get to bed early
Sometimes we’re so groggy in the morning because we’ve stayed up way too late the night before. And whether you’ve been partying, or working, or just chilling, going to bed at 1 am and then expecting to wake up fresh at 7 am just ain’t gonna happen!
Adults are recommended to get 7–9 hours of sleep every night. So if you need to get up at 7 am, you should be well asleep by midnight. Since going to bed at 10 pm, I’ve started waking up at 6 am and actually being able to spring out of bed! Getting up earlier also means I’ve got time for a morning run on the beach, which is the perfect start to my day.
So, those are my handy hacks to waking up with…well, if not a smile quite yet, at least not with a groan of despair! Give them a try, enjoy the energy boost, and have the great day you deserve.
Sarah Cummings is a regular contributor at sharing tips on how to get high quality sleep nightly.
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Getting more sleep, aka going to bed earlier, isn’t a hack. Anyone reading this article knows more sleep=more energy, so telling us this isn’t helpful at all. The swim and smoothie-for-breakfast ideas are worth trying (if you have time for swimming in the morning). Meditation does help lots of people ground their days and can be done in even 5 minutes.