Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith’s expertise in helping you live a happier, healthier, and more productive life is featured in numerous media outlets.
- CNN interviews Dr. Dalton-Smith in 2021 with a viral article in their health section on 7 Strategies For Truly Restorative rest.
- INC. shares This Doctor Says Humans Actually Need 7 Kinds of Rest (and You’re Probably Not Getting All of Them) in their productivity feature article.
- January 2021 TED.com ran a feature article on Dr. Dalton-Smith’s 7 Types of Rest Every Person Needs.
- March 2020 COVID sleep study featured Dr. Dalton-Smith’s as an expert on sleep/rest.
- Dr. Dalton-Smith’s Rest Quiz is featured Sept 2019 on Australia’s Body and Soul.
- Well+Good share about the 7 types of rest Dr. Dalton-Smith discusses in her book Sacred Rest.
- Dr. Dalton-Smith featured Sept 2019 in Fast Company’s Secrets of the Most Productive People section.
- Dr. Dalton-Smith interviewed for July 2019 Shine Text feature on The 7 Types of Rest You Need to Actually Feel Recharged.
Dr. Dalton-Smith on Daystar’s Joni and Fiends with a panel of women who all took the Rest Quiz as they discuss what they discovered about the reasons behind their exhaustion.
- Dr. Dalton-Smith’s March 2019 TEDx talk on the 7 types of rest is featured in the article How to Regain Your Energy Throughout Your Day in Psychology Today
Dr. Dalton-Smith on Dr. Oz show discussing sleep apnea.
- Dr. Dalton-Smith is one of the experts quoted in Working Mother Magazine on March 2018 sharing 28 Genius Self-Care Strategies from the Busiest Working Moms
- Dr. Dalton-Smith is one of the experts featured 2017 Good Housekeeping Doctors’ Secrets: Fight Disease, Relieve Pain, and Live a Healthy Life with Practical Advice from 100 Top Medical Experts
- Dr. Dalton-Smith quoted in Prevention on Sept 2017 on 5 Diet Changes That Can Help You Fight Fatigue
- Dr. Dalton-Smith in July 2017 First For Women Magazine discussing how Nature Cures Pain, Fatigue, and Fog
- Dr. Dalton-Smith quoted in Women’s Day Magazine April 2016 on How to Sleep Better
- Dr. Dalton-Smith featured in SpiritLed Woman/Charisma Magazine February 2016 on Why You Build Walls Around Your Heart
- Dr. Dalton-Smith on Feb 2016 My Faith Radio sharing about the 5 Stages of Brokenness
- Dr. Dalton-Smith in Dec/Jan 2014-2015 edition of Redbook Magazine featured as a health expert in article “21 Expert Tips for Feeling Happier, Healthier, and Less Frazzled”
- Set Free to Live Free excerpt featured in Called Magazine (Summer 2013 edition) helping women ministry leaders find “A Balanced Life”
- Dr. Dalton-Smith on EmpowHer discussing Is Mental Health Affected By The Seasons
- Dr. Dalton-Smith interview with Dr. David Stevens, President of Christian Medical and Dental Association, reaches over 16,000 physicians and medical professionals (April 2013 CMDA CD Available) discussing her approach to the spiritual counseling of patients
- Set Free to Live Free in Called Magazine (Fall 2011 edition) as one of the editors Book Pick’s
- Dr. Dalton-Smith on MSN.com (August 31, 2011) discussing Why Are Doctors Always Late
- Dr. Dalton-Smith in Aug 29, 2011 First for Women Magazine discussing Doctors Own Weight Loss Secrets
- Dr. Dalton-Smith on CBS Atlanta (July 28, 2011) discussing Your Health in the Sun.
- Dr. Dalton-Smith featured on Crosswalk.com (June 15, 2011) showing women how to Break Free of Lies You’ve Been Telling Yourself.
- Dr. Dalton-Smith on JaxChristian.com (June 13, 2011) discussing 5 Keys to Better Handle Criticism
- Dr. Dalton-Smith featured on Growthtrac.com (May 25, 2011) showing how the five stages of freedom described in Set Free to Live Free can lead to A Drama Free Marriage.
- Dr. Dalton-Smith on SheKnows.com (April 8, 2011) discussing the top 10 seasonal sleep tips.
- Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith on BettyConfidential.com (Jan 18, 2011) discussing chronic lying as seen in the movie “The Dilemma” and how it affect health.
- Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith featured in Women’s Day (Dec 16, 2010) discussing food that can help you sleep better

- Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith on SheKnows.com (Dec 11, 2010) discussing how to beat holiday stress
- Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith interviewed by Mommy MD on her experiences as a physician and mother (Nov 2010) .
- Dr. Dalton-Smith’s input will be included in their book: Mommy MD: The First Year due to be released Fall 2011.
- Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith’s article on spirituality in health care published in Medical Economics Magazine (Mar 18, 2005)
- Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith’s article on physicians praying with their patients published in Medical Economics Magazine (Jan 9, 2004)
Partial listing of interviews with Saundra sharing advice on living fully, loving boldly, and resting intentionally.
- Jamie Ivey on The Happy Hour Podcast
- Jessica Honegger on The Going Scared Podcast
- Pat Williams on “The Road Home”/WTLN
- Sharon Gotkin on “Focus on Issues” /United News and Information
- Scott and Sam in the Morning Show on KCMS/SPIRIT 105.3FM
- Diva Talk Radio
- Live on The Debbie Chavez Show
- LA Talk Radio’s Living Happy Every Day
- KNEO Author’s Corner with Andy Farmer
- Glenn Mertz Morning Show on WHKW
- Chad Young “Drive Time Show” WKCT New/Talk 93
- The Brass Ring Show with host Gina Ghioldi
- Dresser After Dark Show with Michael Ray Dresser
- The Bev Smith Show
- WGTS “Breakaway” with Chaplain Terry Johnsson
- Kevin & Taylor on 104.7 The Fish
- He’s Alive Radio with Melissa Flores
- Conversations Live Radio with Cyrus Webb
- National Public Radio Interview
- Rewiring Your Brain with Dr. Robert
Photo courtesy of JM Disspain Photo Art
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