How do you balance your day to day life and fight for your life?
This is a great question and a big struggle with many people who are facing a life threatening illness. It can be so overwhelming at times that you can’t even face the day. Some days you may decide to just “not do today.” I have been there at my lowest and at my highest.
Last month was Breast Cancer Awareness month and it is something dear to my heart. I was first diagnosed back in 2010 and it was a total shock. Now, three years later I am dealing with another diagnosis. It has taught me to be more open and vulnerable with the people in my life. All we really have is today, so don’t waste it, LIVE IT.
But the main constant thread in my life that holds me together is Jesus. He is walking with me through this entire journey. I feel most at peace when I completely surrender the outcome and trust HIM completely.
My newest trusting piece is learning to trust God’s people. You see, when you are seeing 1-5 doctors a week, you get completely sick of everyone and everything. The key is to hear and feel God’s peace in that small still place in your soul. That’s when you find the courage to move forward with decisions that may not sound good either way!
Another thing that has helped me handle a cancer diagnosis is to do what I love. If you love your work, a hobby or volunteering, do it. Do it to the level that you can. Give yourself grace on the things you can’t accomplish and focus on the things you did get done. I am such a type A driver, that I want to break records in my office every month. When that was not happening and things really shifted to a different level, I have to surrender control and be thankful for what I do have. I have a beautiful chiropractic wellness practice that allows me to minister and love on folks 3 days a week. The time I spend in my office literally fills my heart and gives me such joy. It helps to spend those hours a day in that space instead of worrying about the next doctor’s visit or the next treatment plan. Let me tell you, there are days I have to call in “sick” because of some treatments, but, my patience are gracious enough to be flexible with me. Such a blessing!
Finally, create your circle of prayer warriors. Prayer is powerful! There’s nothing more important than a group of people praying for you every day when you really need it. I have been so blessed to run into friends and they have told me they have been praying for me. Prayer is vital to help us navigate through these heavy days with there life changing decisions. Prayer has helped me stay encouraged, focused, and given me a sense of balance through all the chaos. I can trust these outcomes when I know God is at the center of your day to day life.
Today’s Take Away:
1. Listen to God’s promptings and move when you feel His peace!
2. Do what you love!
3. Create your prayer circle.
I hope these few things can help you or someone you love. They have certainly blessed me and continue to comfort me until God heals me once again.
Thank you for keeping these today’s message close to your heart. I love and appreciate you all.
Yours In Health,
Dr. Angie Welikala is a chiropractor, motivational speaker, and the author of Redeem Your Health: A 21 Day Cleanse and Detox Jumpstart. She blogs at and you can connect with her online at and Twitter: AngieWelikala Got Questions? Need Prayer? Email me at [email protected] I will pray with you!