As time passes, stress can build in the body. We all know the feeling. We get to the end of a long period of work and by the end of it, all we want to do is collapse on the sofa and binge on Netflix.
It’s at this point where our bodies tell us that they’ve had enough and that we need to give them a break for a while. Keeping up an intense pace just isn’t possible.
The effects of reaching this stage vary from person to person. For some, sleep becomes an issue. Others turn to food to take away the pain that they feel in the evenings. Others take part in dangerous hobbies.
While compromising on your wellness journey is usually okay for a couple of days a month, it starts becoming an issue when it’s the norm. Your body never gets the opportunity it needs to recover, and so it remains in a continual state of alert, never able to focus on repairing itself and boosting the immune system.
If you keep operating at a high level, you’ll eventually crash. The body will give up, and you’ll find yourself having a breakdown or something similar. It’s just not possible for the average person to continually slave away in a situation for months or years with no end in sight. Eventually, something will go wrong.

The Full Body Reset
The body, however, doesn’t want to be in a state of sickness. Instead, it continually strives for health, so long as we allow it.
Full-body resets get you feeling like you used to. You feel happy and energetic, and you’re not constantly reaching for things in your life to manage the pain.
A full-body reset is similar to the famed 12 Steps Of Recovery from dependency. However, this time, you’re focusing more on changing the lifestyle factors that led to your current situation.
The Elements Of A Full-Body Reset
The first step in the process is to take some time out from life. If you’re in a stressful job or relationship, it’s vital to provide yourself with some genuine distance from it so that you can reevaluate.
The initial priority is to temporarily eliminate the source of stress and give yourself space. You want to feel free to explore your feelings, without having to continually work or experience intense pressure.
The next step of the full-body reset is to eliminate any of the palliatives that you’ve been using to numb the stress or the pain. Examples include alcohol, food, and media addiction.
Once you get rid of the bad stuff and give your body only healthy things (such as vegetables), it’ll naturally get on with healing itself. You’ll feel less stressed and more able to take on the challenges in your life.
The third pillar of the full-body reset is spiritual. Living day to day without a purpose isn’t healthy and can leave you feeling empty. Meeting your spiritual needs, however, changes your perspective and allows you to live more fully. Once you get your underlying philosophy right, everything else follows quite naturally.