As our parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles get older, you expect that you’ll need to do more for them. And you’re happy to do so. However, some elderly folks aren’t so keen on having things done for them. They want to stay as independent as possible, even if sometimes that’s not as possible as they’d like it to be.
Even so, you can help them retain some independence in old age, and this can make them happier, healthier, and less grumpy whenever you see them. If you’ve got an elderly relative who needs to keep their independence, here are some steps to take.

Health and Exercise
While your parents are unlikely to be running marathons in their old age, they can still explore ways to stay independent by keeping their health and fitness up. One way to do this is through exercise. Joining elderly exercise groups, including walking soccer or elderly yoga sessions, will keep their body and mind active, which will only prove beneficial.
Furthermore, In Home Care Services give them a chance to stay comfortable in their own home rather than move into an assisted living facility. Most older people prefer staying at home, and with expert and professional carers, they can receive all the care they need without needing to uproot their life.
Even if your relatives struggle to leave the house, they can still find some of the independence they need through the wonders of technology. A tablet computer and wifi, will be enough to help them research things online, as well as order medication and stay in touch with you and the rest of the family.
By learning how to use this technology, they will find that the world is much larger than the four walls surrounding them should they find themselves unable to get out and do things. This is vital for keeping their spirits up, ensuring independence, and staying in touch with you and others, giving them a line to the rest of the world. They might even discover the likes of Reddit and Twitter, and get involved in conversations with total strangers.
If they are still capable of leaving the house with few problems, then it’s essential to encourage them to socialize as much as possible. They can sign up for clubs at local centers to meet new people, to get involved with activities at the park. This could help them create and develop connections that will give them someone else to talk to rather than their home carer or you and the rest of the family.
If they have a dog, then this is another way to get them out of the house, and it will also mitigate the risk of loneliness at home. The number of people they will meet when walking the dog is another way to ensure they continue to socialize, too.
Independent Living
Independence can improve the happiness and overall health of elderly relatives, so giving them the option to do so will make their transition towards older-age much more comfortable and learn new skills along the way.