If there is one thing that unites everyone in the world right now, its that in some way each and every one of us is affected by the global coronavirus pandemic.
Whether you have had the virus, or have felt the effects of the world in lockdown, you will be experiencing somewhat of a personal challenge.
And, even once the world leaves lockdown, there will be a long period of uncertainty as we try to find a new sense of what it is to be normal.
During these difficult times, it is essential that we all come together and do our bit to help those who most need our support.
Who Needs Support During COVID-19?
If you are in an area that is currently in a lockdown situation, you may have found the experience to be quite relaxing. You may have got some chores done around the home, picked up a new hobby, and caught up on all of your favorite shows on TV.
But for many, being in lockdown has lead to feeling of isolation and depression. It means being lonely, anxious, scared and worse. Mental health problems can become magnified during a lockdown or social distancing.
Think about people in your lives that may be experiencing this right now. Do you know anyone that lives on their own? Or anyone who was having a trying time in life before the crisis? Or even anyone with pre-existing mental health issues?
These are all people that you should try and lend a hand to and show some support.

Supporting Those In Need During COVID-19
There are lots of things that you can do to help those who may be struggling with the situation during the lockdown.
Get on the phone and have a chat with anyone that you think may be struggling emotionally.
Offer to run errands such as picking up their grocery shopping from the store.
If you know elderly people nearby, they may be particularly struggling. There may be tasks that you take for granted that they will find difficult to manage. You could help them out. Finances may cause them stress, so you could help them by looking into will seniors on social security get a stimulus check?
Taking Care of Yourself During The Pandemic
Practicing self-care is essential during this global pandemic. You may not realize that you are feeling the effects of stress until they creep up on you.
Take some time each day to relax. Either read a book, take a bath or practice meditation.
If you are able to get out and exercise, take a walk, go for a run, or cycle outside so that you get some fresh air. If you have to exercise indoors, do a workout following a video online.
Make sure that you are eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables, and that you are drinking lots of water.
Enjoy a little time in the sun each day to help maintain healthy Vitamin-D levels or take a supplement.
Try and keep to a regular sleeping routine. Set an alarm and get up each morning. Keeping yourself in a routine will help you stay mentally focused.