If you are considering laser eye surgery, you may have done a bit of research online, only to be left feeling even more perplexed regarding the treatment. A lot of people do not initially realize that there are numerous different types of laser eye surgery. The different treatments that are available, of course, represent the progressions made over the years. Below is some information about the different types of laser eye treatment, as well as details on who each type of treatment is suitable for.
Before we delve deeper into your options, we must stress the importance of looking after your eye health. There’s no point in getting laser eye surgery if you’re then going to neglect your health. This not only includes taking rest periods but watching what you eat too. Fish, citrus fruits, and green leafy vegetables like kale and spinach are great for eye health. Beans are good too, and they also contain prebiotics, which boasts other benefits. We recommend reading up on the difference between probiotics and prebiotics so you can get a better understanding.

So, what sort of options are available to you when it comes to correcting your vision? Let’s begin with LASIK eye surgery, as this is the most well-known and popular type of laser eye treatment. This treatment is blade-free and painless. It involves using the latest computer technology, as an experienced ophthalmic surgeon creates a flap using a state-of-the-art femtosecond laser. This is a treatment with proven results. In fact, research shows that a monumental 96 percent of patients have achieved the vision they desired after having LASIK surgery.
But, who is suitable for this type of treatment? LASIK can be used to treat astigmatism, long-sightedness – hyperopia, short-sightedness – myopia, and wavefront abnormalities. It is most suitable for individuals that have a moderate degree of refractive error. So, if the following applies, you will probably be a good candidate:
- Nearby objects appear blurry, but you can see objects far away clearly
- Distance objects are blurry, but you can see nearby objects clearly
There is also a lot of confusion regarding whether LASIK eye surgery is suitable for people with presbyopia. This is the inability to focus on objects that are nearby, and tends to occur in adults that are over 40 years old, with the condition getting worse over time. It makes it difficult to do tasks that are close-up, and it can also be challenging to read the small print. LASIK surgery can be used to treat this condition, however, it can result in your ability to see objects close up being reduced. This is why seeing an expert surgeon for a thorough consultation beforehand is always of paramount importance.
When compared with the former, most people would prefer to go for LASIK eye surgery as opposed to LASEK eye surgery. However, not everyone qualifies for LASIK, and this offers a welcome alternative for those who don’t. Instead of a flap being created, with this treatment, the fine cornea surface layer is loosened and then folded back. After which, the ophthalmic surgeon will reshape the cornea’s surface using an Excimer laser, and this is how they correct the refractive error.
So, why do people prefer LASIK eye treatment? The reason for this is because LASIK tends to offer faster recovery. With LASEK eye surgery, it is not uncommon for your eyes to feel uncomfortable for a few days afterward, and bandage lenses will need to be worn for up to a week. Nevertheless, results are also proven with this form of treatment, and so you are by no means taking a risk.
Overall, LASEK eye treatment is generally suited to individuals that have less serious eye focusing issues, including dry eyes or thin corneas. Such people may not be able to get treatment through LASIK. For example, if your corneas are too flat or too thin, there is every chance that you won’t be allowed LASIK.
Another option is ReLEx smile eye surgery. This is a bladeless and minimally invasive type of keyhole laser eye surgery. The innovative treatment involves tissue being drawn out of a tiny tunnel, which the surgeon has created using an incredible Carl Zeiss VisuMax laser. This laser forms bubbles via the pulses, which outline the tissue before it is removed.
In regards to the suitability of SMILE laser eye treatment; it can be used to correct higher degrees of short-sightedness, otherwise known as myopia. It is especially beneficial for those who have been refused laser eye surgery before on the basis of contact lens intolerance or thin corneas. Whether you have astigmatism or not will not impact your ability to have this type of surgery. In fact, one of the great benefits associated with this treatment when compared with other options that are available is that more patients are accepted, and so you may have more of a chance of getting SMILE eye surgery when compared with LASIK and LASEK. If you have thin corneas, dry eyes, or very high prescriptions, you may still be accepted.
There are risks associated with laser eye surgery, which you do need to be aware of. However, the complication rate in laser eye surgery is less than four percent, and most complications are minor.
It is important to remember that all surgical procedures carry some degree of risk. At the best clinics, they minimize these risks thanks to their experienced team of surgeons, and by ensuring that all patients are carefully assessed to ensure their laser eye surgery suitability and that the correct treatment plan is put together based on the needs of the patient in question.
Risks can also be minimized by good compliance on behalf of the patient, by following instructions before, after, and during the laser procedure.
- Vision returning to the pre-surgery vision
- Over-corrections
- Under-corrections
- Flap complications
- Dry eyes
- Glare
- Halos around bright lights
The risks mentioned above rarely occur and are more likely to happen if you choose an inexperienced, unregistered individual to carry out the surgery.