At my son’s school the other day, I spotted some artwork that lined his classroom walls. Each child created a flower and wrote five descriptive words about another classmate on each petal. One girl said my son was “handsome, smart, friendly, trustworthy, special.” When he came home, I affirmed all of those traits within him. I asked him how he felt about how his classmate described him. He said it ...
How to Bring More Meaning to Your Meals
How to Bring More Meaning to Your Meals By Tonya Peele All of us have to eat to live. James Beard, known by many as the father of American-style gourmet cooking, poignantly captured the essence of food when he said “Food is our common ground, a universal experience.” So the question before you is, “How do you want to experience food”? The relationship you create with food will ...
Building a Lasting Foundation on Joy
Building a Lasting Foundation on Joy By Annetta Dellinger How is your level of JOY? Overflowing? Dried up? Or, somewhere in between? In the world’s mind, JOY is a feeling, a good giggle, a sense of happiness. For some people happiness only happens when their happenings happen to happen the way they happen to want them to happen! Happiness, in other words, is an emotion that is ...
To what will you look for help if you will not look to that which is stronger than yourself? ~C.S. Lewis ...
How to Re-spark a Dying Flame
How to Re-spark a Dying Flame by Robyn Vincent What happened to us? Do you still love me? Are we OK? These are very common questions asked by spouses. Although it’s hard to believe, every marriage goes through dry spells at one point or another. Many couples appear to be lost in love and still on the honeymoon, but that does not grant them any sort of exemption from the storms ...
Teaching Kids to Tithe
Teaching Kids to Tithe By Joanne Kraft “Mom, is there any way I can NOT pay this much taxes? It sure takes a big chunk out of my weekly earnings.” I found it humorous that my teenage son was beginning to feel his first financial pinch. My baby was definitely growing up. A dear friend commented, “Wait till he realizes what tithing is.” Actually, he already knows. We began teaching our children ...