This Daniel Fast food list is for those who are participating in a fast and would like to omit the same foods Daniel abstained from during his time of fasting. Below is a selection of foods you can base your diet around during the next 21 days.
2020 VISION Challenge – Gain clarity and biblical guidance for the new year in this 21 day challenge. CLICK HERE to learn more.
- Any fresh, frozen, dried, or canned fruits which have no added sugars.
- Fresh, frozen, dried, or canned vegetables.
- Veggie burgers (optional)
- Brown Rice
- Steel-cut oats
- Natural rice cakes
- Natural popcorn
- Any nuts and seeds with no sugars added
- Natural nut butters with no added sugars
- Any canned or dried beans
- Olive, canola, peanut, sesame, or grape-seed oil
- Herbs and spices
- Unsweetened almond, rice, or soy milk
- Spring water/bottled water
**Read food labels on all prepackaged products you use. Avoid those with artificial flavors, additives, and preservatives. **
- Fruit Smoothie
- Steel-cut oats
- Fresh Fruit Salad
- Raw vegetable salad flavored with Oil/Vinegar Dressing
- Sliced Fruit
- Selection of nuts
- Bowl of Legume soup
- Vegetable soups and stews
- Selection of cooked vegetables or stir-fry
- Brown rice
- Veggie burger (Optional)
Quick Snacks:
- Popcorn
- Rice cakes with nut butters
- A piece of fruit
- Dried fruits
CLICK HERE to download or print PDF copy of this Daniel Fast Food List
*** This sample meal planner holds numerous options for variety! Change up the fruits used in your smoothies, vary the legumes used to make your soup, and combine different vegetables in your soup and stir-fry. Purpose in your heart to use this time to be creative and to try new things. Enjoy the wide selection of choices available to you. ***
For more help with fasting, CLICK HERE to sign up to get a free copy of my eBook Fasting For Breakthrough, Healing, and Restoration delivered to your inbox.
Saundra Dalton-Smith is an internal medicine physician, author, speaker, and hope activist. She shares with audiences nationwide on the topics of eliminating limiting emotions, finding a health work-rest ratio, and living life to the fullest. Her books include Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity (2017), Come Empty: Healing For Every Place Life’s Hurt You (2014), and Set Free to Live Free: Breaking Through the 7 Lies Women Tell Themselves (2011).
if you are allowed all those foods how can you even suggest it’s a fast ???
There are different types of fast. The Daniel Fast is a partial fast omitting meats, sweets, and breads. So YES there are still LOTS of options available to you but still restricts those foods most of us gain pleasure from. If you feel lead by God to do a stricter fast, feel free to do so. It’s really between you and God the type of fast you choose. You can learn more about the different types of fast here: and be sure to visit Kristen’s webpage for more information. Blessings to you!
This is wonderful! Sharing with my groups, and community…you are a BLESSING to so many…I’m so glad I met you on FB! keep up the wonderful work you do! Blessings, Bess
Blessings to you Bess! Praying God will move among His people in this season and bless us with His presence over the next 21 days!
Am happy to know about this kind of Fasting.
Welcome Mabutsama, I pray you will join us on this journey!
Thank you Saundra for this information. I am new to fasting and want to participate. This is very helpful for me. I plan to begin with a fast such as this one. Also thank you for the link you provided with information on different types of fasting. God’s blessings to you during your time of fasting and seeking him!
Great having you join us Lisa! May God reveal His glory to you during this time of fasting!
I lost over 48 lbs on this a while ago. Dr Joel Furhman suggests this syle of eating as a quick weigh loss and longevity lifestyle. Looking forward to a spiritual breakthrough after 21 days. God Bless you.
Praying you will see the spiritual breakthrough you are believing for Morgan. Blessings to you!
I’m new to the whole fasting thing and am glad there are people and lists like this to go buy but I am also a dibeatic so I need protein so how can I plan ?
Hi Ann! Beans are a good source of protein while on a Daniel Fast (1 cup of white approx 19 gms or pinto beans is about 12 grams protein). You can also buy veggie burgers at most grocery stores. Boca and Morningstar Veggie burgers have between 10-15 grams of protein.