Sleepless nights can really make a mess of your days. When you sleep even one hour less than normal, it feels like you’re running on empty. It’s even worse when sleeplessness becomes the norm.
If you’re suffering from sleepless nights, it’s important to get it under control. Lack of sleep results in poor physical and mental performance. It even messes with your mood and your ability to maintain healthy relationships.
Try these simple tips to start feeling the joy of a great night’s sleep:
1. Avoid late-night eating. Even though your late-night snack may seem harmless, it’s may be the cause of your sleeplessness. You’d be surprised at the effect certain foods have on sleep patterns.
- Heavy, greasy foods like fries and foods high in protein are very difficult to digest. Having those before bed can cause you to have nightmares.
- Acid reflux disorder can develop if you’re unable to fully digest your food before bed. Many of the food acids remain in your stomach instead of being processed though the body and can lead to heartburn
2. Evaluate your bed and pillow. Maybe your sleeping conditions are less than favorable. Perhaps it’s time for a new pillow and/or mattress.
- Do you have aches and pains when you wake up each morning? It probably means that your mattress is worn and needs replacing. An uncomfortable mattress can result in much tossing and turning making it impossible to get a good night’s sleep.
- What about a creaky spring bed frame? Your mattress may feel comfortable, but the squeaking of the springs may prevent you from sleeping soundly.
- It’s also possible that your pillow might need to be changed. Have the fibers worn down? Does the pillow carry a smell? These factors can subconsciously play a part in your sleep or lack of it.
3. Practice deep meditation. After a hard day’s work, it’s sometimes difficult to relieve stress. If you’re not careful, you could end up carrying that stresses to bed with you. Stress is a surefire way to lose sleep at night.
- Try stretching along with some form of meditation. These activities take your mind off everything around you and help relieve sore muscles.
- Make it a regular part of your day. Allow your body and mind to depend on it for rest. This is a great way to ensure the stresses of life won’t keep you awake at night.
4. Increase exercise frequency. Exercise is a great way to relieve stress. Exercise releases endorphins, the hormones responsible for the feeling of well-being.
- Try exercising after work each evening. A light walk is an excellent way to relax. Many people report sleeping more soundly after working out.
- Avoid exercises that are too strenuous if you’re working out in the evening. You don’t want to put your body under too much strain before bed.

5. Use supplements to help support better sleep. One I have used and found to be beneficial is DreamWell ULTRA. Stop Aging Now provided me with samples of this product in exchange for my honest opinion. I always think it’s best to try to get to sleep without taking sleep aids, but sometimes a little extra help is needed. I was very impressed with how my body responded to DreamWell ULTRA. It helped quiet my mind so I could fall asleep faster and still wake up feeling refreshed with no morning drowsiness.
- DreamWell ULTRA features clinically studied PharmaGABA® to combat feelings of stress, anxiety and nervousness, plus also helps reduce nighttime urination, promoting a better, uninterrupted sleep.
- It contains an advanced dual-release melatonin that delivers half immediately to help you fall asleep quickly, while the other half utilizes extended-release beadlets that are designed to help you stay asleep throughout the night.
- DreamWell ULTRA is rooted in nature and backed by peer-reviewed clinical studies.

If you’d like to give DreamWell ULTRA a try use code SLEEPNOW to get 50% off + free shipping on their first order. CLICK HERE to learn more.
End sleepless nights by working on this checklist and make the changes that fit your health goals. Keep a journal as you implement the changes. You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how much better you’ll feel. Start today and you will soon find sleepless nights as things of the past.