But is a college education that essential for people that want a job in 2020? For the most part, the answer is yes. Here are some of the reasons why companies, in particular large corporations, look more favorably on candidates with a college education:
Appreciation for the learning process
You might think that employers are only interested in the course subjects that candidates chose to study at college and the grades they received after completion. To some extent, that is true. However, the grades earned aren’t as important as you might think.
That’s because some business decision-makers take an interest in the simple fact that candidates decided to continue their education after high school. In short, many employers prefer people who have an appreciation for the learning process.

In the business world, every day presents different challenges to employees from all levels, whether a person is a junior or a CEO. A new day represents a unique opportunity to learn about all kinds of things.
Also, there’s no denying that many companies help employees further their education skills by enrolling them in specialist courses that result in industry-recognized qualifications. In short, if you prove that you’re willing to learn new things, you’ll progress well in your chosen career.
Did you know that some businesses sponsor their best-performing employees to further their college qualifications in MBA courses? If that sounds interesting to you, it’s worth reading up on an MBA program overview to see what is involved.
Increased chances for advancement
It might sound like the obvious is getting pointed out. But, a college education will make you more likely to progress in your career than someone without any further education and associated qualifications under their belt.
Many employers see candidates that have a college education as people who are goal-oriented and know how to get the job done.
Company bosses want to know that their staff is driven, focused, and willing to exceed expectations. In return, they will reward their star employees with a higher salary and viable career advancement prospects.
Individuals with a college education are also more likely to get offered management roles than employees without one. That’s because, as mentioned a moment ago, they get seen as goal-oriented people.
You learn vital industry skills before employment
Some people will tell you that there’s no substitute for experience in the business world. The thing is, a college education is an exception to that “rule” and for several reasons. First of all, part of a college education will involve being an intern working with a company.
Secondly, you’ll learn about things that relate to your chosen industry both as an intern and during your studies. And, third, you’ll also find out the best entry points into your chosen industry once you’ve completed your college education.
In comparison, people that are new to the industry may find they have to make many adjustments before they can settle down in their roles. As you’ve already experienced work in the industry as an intern, you don’t need to make such adjustments.
The best jobs get reserved for college-educated people
Last but not least, one fact that some people may find a little unfair perhaps is how the best jobs often get reserved for those with a college education. If you scroll through job boards like Indeed, you’ll see this first-hand for the higher-paying jobs in your preferred industry.
Earlier on, you read how people are most likely to get offered management roles in companies if they are college-educated. It’s a fact that applies to both employees applying internally for such jobs, and candidates that don’t work for those firms.
As an employer, you will no doubt set the bar high when seeking leaders and doers to fill senior and management roles that have a lot of responsibility. Almost all such jobs require candidates to have a college education.