Did you make a New Year resolution at the beginning of this year? The most common goal many want to accomplish is to exercise more and eat less. Great goal! But before you even begin tackling that challenge, start with focusing on spending 5 days of renewal and recovery.
The hardest part about making any lifestyle change is…change. Your body, taste buds, temptations, and desires are going to complain the moment you make a step toward healthier living. Many set off to begin a weight loss plan on Monday only to be overcome by temptations by Wednesday. The cure for this rebound effect is a time of cleansing from the things that try to hold you captive.
Guidelines for the 5 day cleansing fast:
- Drink a minimum of 64 ounces of water daily (no sodas, coffee, juice, etc).
- Snack on raw, crunchy fruits and vegetables in-between smoothies based on your hunger. Keep pre-washed bags in fridge thoughout the 5 days for quick access when hunger strikes.
- Drink 3 whole food green smoothies a day (blend the fruit and greens, not juicing).
- Before each smoothie meal, first feed your mind and heart by spending at least 5 minutes meditating on assigned daily scriptures/prayers.
- Begin each AM by sipping warm water with fresh lemon juice or a non-caffeinated detox herbal tea (no sweeteners recommended during the fast, but if desired you can use natural stevia).
A cleansing fast is a great way to develop a deeper connection with God. It opens you up to the renewal of your mind and recovery of your physical and spiritual health. Some may see it as a quick way to shed a few pounds. However, those who participate in a cleansing fast for the sole purpose of improving their physical appearance miss the real rewards of the process.
Fasting is an act of surrender to God. It positions you to receive by letting go. When you commit to this cleansing fast you are basically saying, “I’m laying down my desires for all else to focus more on You, God, and what You desire to do in me.”
Smoothie Recipes
(You may repeat your favorite in the same day if desired but max 3 smoothies/day. For those who are short on time in AM, you can double any smoothie amount to make enough at one time to take to work with you for lunch.)
Breakfast Wake-up Smoothie
Fresh spinach or mixed greens (handful)
1 banana
½ cup frozen seedless green grapes
½ cup frozen mango
3/4 cup water (more or less depending on preferred thickness of final drink)
Lunch Berry Smoothie
½ apple (cored with skin on and cut in chunks)
½ cup frozen blueberries or strawberries or mix
½ cup frozen peaches
Spring mixed greens (handful)
¾ cup water
Dinner Protein Smoothie
1 scoop of protein power (choose one with no added sugar)
½ cup frozen pineapple
½ cup frozen mango
2 handfuls green of your choice (kale-strong flavor, mix, or spinach- weaker flavor)
½ apple (left over from lunch)
¾ cup water
Quick Shopping List
Fresh bags of spinach/mixed greens/kale (your choice based on taste preferences)
Frozen bags of pineapple, mango, berries, peaches
Fresh seedless grapes
Apples (at least 5)
Bananas (at least 5)
Crunchy Snacks: Pears, celery, carrots, apples, cucumber, radish, bell peppers, etc
Protein Powder of your choice (no sugar added)
Daily Mealtime Scriptures/Meditation/Prayers
Day 1
Breakfast: Philippians 4:13/Pray for God to cleanse you of everything that is not of Him.
Lunch: Ask God to help you as you dedicate the next 5 days to Him. Turn your fears about this process into a prayer.
Dinner: Joel 2:12-13/Consider your why for fasting. Meditate on the reality of God’s loving kindness.
Day 2
Breakfast: Begin today by asking God to reveal the areas He desires to renew in your life.
Lunch: Matthew 6:33/Ask God to reveal things in your life you have put before Him. Repent and ask for forgiveness.
Dinner: Ecclesiastes 3:1/Turn away from your usual activates tonight and go to bed early. Thank God for rest and ask Him to renew your ability to trust His timing in all things.
Day 3
Breakfast: Philippians 4:6-7/Pray for peace in your life.
Lunch: Listen to 5 minutes of praise/worship music. If you are alone, sing along.
Dinner: Matthew 17:20-21/What mountains do you need to see move? Turn your answer into a prayer or journal your response.
Day 4
Breakfast: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18/Reflect on why prayer time is an important daily part of your life.
Lunch: Ezra 8:23/Evaluate what unanswered prayers have left you feeling wounded.
Dinner: Ask God to remove the pain of past unanswered prayers and renew your ability to believe again in His goodness towards you.
Day 5
Breakfast: Psalm 119:103/Reflect on how God has used this time of fasting to renew and recover.
Lunch: Share with God how much you treasure your time in His presence as a prayer or you can write in your journal.
Dinner: Spend this evening alone with Jesus. Set aside an extended prayer. Click My Prayer Time Music and use it to help you go deeper into His presence.
Through prayer and a cleansing fast, you can detach from the power of your carbohydrate, caffeine, and sugar cravings as well as from the toxic effects of an overwhelmed life. The cells in your body will begin the recovery process and you will feel renewed and alive. Your senses and taste will be sharper. You will be able to concentrate and focus more clearly on your goals. Don’t allow your past failed attempts at succeeding in your desire for a healthier you to keep you from stepping out in faith and committing to a 5 day cleansing fast. Consider inviting a friend or having your bible study group join you if you’d like a little extra accountability.
Are you ready to release the tension, stress, and pain of trying to do it all in your own strength? God is more than able to carry that heavy burden for you. Spend the next 5 days coming empty before Him and allow this time of fasting to draw you deeper into a new place of renewal and recovery.
I was considering a 15 day detox fast….for about 15 minutes. I think I could do 5 days!!!
You absolutely can Patricia! Five is definitely a great start and you can always add on days.