Relying on the government is not always the best idea when wanting to secure your financial independence. Here are a few points to consider if you want to wean yourself off state and federal financial programs.
Typically, you don’t get the best deal
If we’re talking about things specifically like government-sponsored savings accounts and retirement plans, then it’s always worth looking at the private option. If you want to be financially ready for retirement, there is a good chance that state-sponsored retirement programs aren’t going to be enough. They’re supposed to be there to offer a bare minimum for people who don’t find other options. When most people envision their retirement, they aren’t exactly imagining the bare minimum. They want a life of relative comfort and, as such, need to find their own savings methods to ensure it.

State aid can and will change
This is one of the greatest risks for anyone who is receiving any form of state aid. While the gettings might be good, at the moment, you cannot tell how reliable they will be. New acts can be signed in that will cut down the financial assistance that you’re getting. Furthermore, there are mistakes that you might make that can also cost you financial aid on a personal basis. You can never be entirely certain that any financial assistance you enjoy now will be there in the future, so it’s worth it to find more reliable ways to support yourself.
Taking part in an unreliable system
Simply put, most people do not know where the money they get from the state comes from, or how it was decided how it is divided. For instance, ask yourself, what year was the constitution adopted? There are records showing four different dates, and that some of these constitutions resulted in the creation of bodies like the Internal Revenue Service at the same time that the state went bankrupt. As such, the taxes that are supposedly collected for state aid may in some part still be related to paying off a debt owed by the state over a hundred years ago.
The longer you rely on it, the harder it is to get off
A lot of people who are making use of welfare and other forms of state aid would like to get off. The idea of “welfare queens” is largely exaggerated. However, it has been shown that getting off of government assistance is difficult. It’s important to be supportive of those trying to secure their financial independence instead of belittling them.
It is posssible to secure your financial freedom, but it will take some effort to get back on track.