These are strange times that we’re living in. While we may all know that it’s important to listen to the advice the professionals are giving us and stay indoors, it’s true that having to stay at home all day — plus the fear of catching the illness when we go outside — can make this a pretty anxiety-filled time. That’s why it’s really important that we’re taking steps to look after ourselves both physically and mentally. Though our minds might push us towards anxiety, we don’t have to walk that path.
You Are Not Alone
One of the tougher aspects of the coronavirus pandemic is that it has disconnected us from the rest of the world. When that happens, we can find ourselves spending much more time in our heads than we’re used to. And from there, it can be easy to get ourselves worked up into an anxious state. But it’s important to remember that, while you might feel a little anxious, you should remember that you’re not alone in your thoughts. There are millions of people experiencing the same thing as you are. Just keeping this thought in your mind can help to take some of the anxiety away.
Take Precautions
For some people, anxious feelings don’t arise when they’re at home. In fact, they feel just fine when they’re at home. The problem is that they have to go outside and interact with other people. Even if you try to stay home as much as possible, there’ll still be times when you need food. You can control your anxiety by taking proper precautions. If you’re a vulnerable person, then you can ask a loved one to do your grocery shopping for you. If you are healthy enough to venture out, then just take precautions. Carrying hand sanitizer and wearing a Lapco FR Cotton Knit Mask will help to keep you protected. It’s also worth keeping in mind that the chances of you catching coronavirus and falling seriously ill are very low.

Talk With Loved Ones
We’re creatures of habit, some more than others. When that routine is compromised, then it can be normal to feel a little anxious/not like ourselves. So take a look at making things as normal as possible. If you always socialize with your friends and family, then keep it going, even during the lockdown. You’ll be happily surprised at just how much of an impact a telephone call or video chat (social rest) can have on your ability to relax.
Do What You Can Do
There are some things that have been proven by experts to help reduce feelings of anxiety and boost our mood. Exercise, for example, can lower your stress levels. Of course, you can’t go to the gym, but you can work out at home, and depending on where you live, you may be able to run outside. So look at building this into your daily schedule; it’ll have positive impacts in the short-term and long-term. Eating well and all-around looking after yourself can also help you to manage how you feel.
Focus Your Thoughts
Another great way to keep anxious thoughts at bay is to focus your attention on the positive. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. This anxiety-busting advice from Philippians 4:8 is still good medicine.