As an entrepreneur or small business owner, chances are that you’re always looking for ways to save money. This isn’t so you’re offering your customers a low-quality product or service. But so that you can save money while growing as a business. A way of improving your business in the long term and avoiding having to seek bankruptcy help, you’ll be in a much better position by finding effective techniques that work for you.
To help guide you in the right direction, here are 10 tips that you can use to help cut costs, but still be successful as a business:
Try Outsourcing
As a small business, you don’t necessarily need a large number of employees working alongside you. But each individual employee that you do have is undeniably vital to the success of the company.
So to ensure that you’re minimizing costs while achieving the highest levels of productivity you could try outsourcing a portion of the services. Alongside saving money, by using independent contractors you could also acquire a higher level of expertise that you wouldn’t have if you were solely hiring internally.
Think Green
Another effective method that you could use is to implement green practices within the workplace. Whether you’re running a business that has an office, a storefront or you’re working from home think about how you can make it more energy-efficient. By doing this, you’ll be able to benefit from lower utility costs.
This can be something as simple as changing the light bulbs to LED, turning off electrical outlets when you’re not using them, etc. Whatever you can do to help minimize the bills, while doing your part for the environment.
Revitalize Your Marketing
Often, small businesses, whether they have been operating for many years or they have only just started, will think that they need to rely on traditional marketing techniques. However, it’s very expensive to rely on TV advertisements and other similar advertising methods. Which is why it will be beneficial to your cash flow to utilize modern methods instead. For example, by using social media marketing, you’ll be able to lower the costs while reaching a wider audience.
This type of marketing can also be automated across several sites, so you don’t have to worry about posting each day. Freeing up time for your employees, they can focus their efforts on other parts of their role.

Track Your Expenses
This might sound like an obvious one, but it’s still something that many small businesses ignore. To save money, you should try and review your operating expenses every month. You’ll then be able to see where your company is overspending and be able to budget more effectively.
Consider Shared Offices
If you’re facing large rental bills for your office space, then why not consider opting for a shared office space instead? Although this might initially seem unappealing, think about how much money you’ll be able to save. The money that you pocket from doing this might even allow you to purchase your own office space in the future – giving you something to budget for and look forward to.
Alternatively, if all of your employees can work from home and you only need an office space occasionally for meetings, you could look into what coworking spaces are available in your local area.
Invest in Sponsorship
Ok, so at first this might seem like an expensive venture to undertake. But just think about it – by sponsoring a local event with another business your product/service will be automatically advertised to people that are attending it. This incredibly effective technique can bring in high profits for your business and is great publicity.
Enhance Productivity
As aforementioned, by improving the productivity in your business you’ll automatically save money. It’s undeniable that the longer it takes to do something, the more money it costs you. So nip this issue in the bud and reap an abundance of benefit.
But how do you do this? You could invest in staff training, update your technology or as mentioned above, consider outsourcing a portion of the services.
Use Freelancers
Alongside outsourcing work to a third-party contractor or business, you could also hire freelancers. A way of finding a professional that constantly delivers exceptional work (without having to pay full-time wages), they are one of the first steps you can take towards creating a more flexible workforce.
Research into Open Source Software
In the last few years, more and more businesses are discovering the power of open source software. Far less expensive than similar software that’s available commercially, it could save you thousands of dollars a year. From accounting software to POS (Point of Sale) software, there is so much available out there to choose from.
There is a word of caution with this, however. And that is that certain open source software comes with no official support. This means that it might not be as legitimate. To ensure that you are only getting legitimate software, it’s a good idea to fully research into this beforehand.
Look For Discounts
Yet again, this might sound like an obvious one, but it’s still worth doing if you want to save money in the long term. It’s no secret that it’s cheaper to buy materials in bulk rather than individually. So when you talk with your suppliers, see if there is a way that you can cut the costs by getting discounts on bulk purchases. Usually, suppliers are willing to negotiate this, so it’s always worth a try.
Final Thoughts
So, there you go! Those are 10 simple tips that you can use to help to save money in your small business. What you decide to do, of course is up to you. But no matter what steps you take towards cutting costs and budgeting more effectively, your business will be able to thrive both now and in the future. Just ensure that along the way, you seek professional guidance when you need it and conduct research thoroughly.