How Can I Cope After a Loved One Chose Suicide? By Sandra P. Aldrich Who on earth came up with the saying “time heals all wounds”? Probably somebody who never had a family member or dear friend die by suicide. Oh, sure, time may help us hold back hot tears until we are alone. Time may even help us smile as we ponder a long-ago special scene. But time will not heal the pain that sweeps over us ...
Get Out of Time Debt
Get Out of Time Debt By Karen H Whiting If your calendar is filled weeks or months ahead, you’re in time debt. If you race from one commitment to another with out time to exercise, eat, or even sleep enough, you’re in time debt. You’ve charged the hours before they have arrived and filled your days with too many commitments. That causes stress that makes it hard relax, spend time with loved ...
When Is the Right Time to Lose Weight?
When Is the Right Time to Lose Weight? By Julie Morris, R.N. “I can’t lose weight. Things are just too hard right now. Maybe later when I’m not under so much stress,” Joyce said sadly. As we sat in the office at my church where I am a lay counselor, she told me about all of the problems she was having with her husband, kids and stress at work. But Joyce had come to me the week before, ready ...
The Top 3 Frustrations We Struggle With
The Top 3 Frustrations We Struggle With By Angie Welikala I recently did a survey with all my patients to see how I could best serve them and see what was really on their minds. I was shocked at their responses. The issues and challenges that most concerned them was a little different than I would have thought. Maybe you can relate. Here are their top three: The #1 ...
Memories are the key not to the past, but to the future.~Corrie Ten Boom ...